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The Best Way to run Kubernetes on Bare Metal.

Four out of five CIOs plan to move workload from the cloud back to own premises[1]. We agree and believe that Kubernetes will serve as the fabric spanning on-prem and cloud – but running Kubernetes yourself is hard. We build meltcloud to make it easy.

Why Kubernetes on Bare Metal?

Running Kubernetes on virtualized environments adds complexity, increases failure risks, and comes with operational overhead and cost. meltcloud drastically reduces your technology stack (and your bill) by running Kubernetes directly on the metal.

  • Avoid unwanted virtualization complexity
  • Save licensing costs
  • Leverage native performance
  • Immutable & stateless – avoid OS management and patching
  • Secure bootstrap process based on X509 Client Certificates

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Why Kubernetes on Bare Metal?

Managed Kubernetes API

Operating the Kubernetes Control Plane on your own hardware is a difficult task: Modern servers are often overprovisioned for the job, leading to inefficiencies. Ensuring timely updates, uptime, scalability, and reliable backups requires careful management, making the lifecycle of these stateful components complex and prone to errors. In meltcloud, Kubernetes Control Planes run fully managed within Kubernetes itself ("Hosted Control Planes").

  • Public Cloud-like experience
  • Highly Available
  • Full Lifecycle Management

Convert Machines to Workers

Rack your server, ensure connectivity to the meltcloud platform and boot it securely over the network: It will be converted to a fully-managed, immutable Kubernetes worker connected to the managed Kubernetes API. From this point onwards, the node will be regularly rebooted to retrieve the latest OS and Kubelet patches, according to your maintenance schedules – no interaction from your side required.

Convert Machines to Workers

Bring the Cloud back home

A modern stack to reduce operational effort of your engineering teams, allowing them to focus on creating business value.

Managed Kubernetes

A Public Cloud-like Kubernetes experience thanks to Hosted Control Planes and a hands-off, secure machine lifecycle management.


Built with enterprise needs in mind. Get full flexibility and control over your infrastructure stack. Apply your security, network and IT architecture principles.

Modern Tools

Use terraform, the CLI or the API to provision your meltcloud clusters – everything on top is 100% vanilla Kubernetes, meant to be extended with the tools you know and love.

No lock-in

Avoid being locked-in by Cloud Providers that make it intentionally hard to get out – run 100% open-source, vanilla Kubernetes on your own hardware.


Full insights on whats happening in your Kubernetes platform: An upgrade is stuck, a machine failed? Our Traces and Revisions show exactly what's going on.


Stop paying the Cloud Premium – using your own hardware is up to 15x cheaper than the equivalent in the cloud.[2]

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